
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Who's reading?!

Evidently, people read my blog posts?

So if you're reading, please tell me "hi" and is my blog has been helpful or not below!

And for bonus points let me know what you would do in the classroom if you didn't have to worry about other teachers different pedagogical opinions, parents'/students'/others' misperceptions etc.

I'll start:

I find this blog a nice place to reflect on my teaching. It is nice to go back and see what I've said in the past about a unit.

For bonus points:
If I didn't have any constraints and could teach exactly how I would like:

I would do a lot of the things that I am doing, but make sure to emphasize stories, free voluntary reading more and be overall more relaxed in my classroom and less constantly having to "accomplish" so we could acquire the language more freely. ;-)

Ok, your turn! GO!


  1. Hola!
    Extra puntos, yo uso Sr. Wooly or tus videos. A los estudiantes de vez en cuando les doy palabras que tienen que buscar en el diccionario, como lutefisk. Yo soy de Puerto Rico y aveces le pregunto, Que se celebra hoy en PR? Los puertorriquenos tenemos muchos dias feriados! hahahaha. Aveces les doy cosas para dibujar en el salon y lo decoramos con eso. El otro dia uno de mis estudiantes me hizo un Taco con papeles decorativos y yo le di extra puntos por pensar en mi clase y hacer algo que le recordo el vocab de comida. Yo hago lo que quiero, Espero que te ayude en algo. Sorry for the lack of accents, learning to use the cromebook, it doesnt let me paste or insert the accents.

    1. Thanks for reading! Glad the videos have been helpful. Glad to know your classes are going well! Gracias por responder. :-)

  2. ¡Hola! I am definitely reading your blog, it has helped me a lot. It has given me insight on your approaches and how you plan "units". If I could teach however I want I would have FVR time and basically have the students be the curriculum and not some kind of scope and sequence dictated by anything else.

    1. I think that sounds like a great ideal class! How close are you to achieving that goal? :-)

    2. I am getting there. I think I will institute SSR with the same novel next year at least a little bit. I also will be able to unshelter my instruction and be focusing on the sweet 16 instead of units. I need to build up a library of FVR material. And my classes will still be dictated by a curriculum map based on the vocab that the dept. has decided is appropriate for each level. All in all though, I am getting there. Next year I will focus the beginning of the year on my students. And throwing out a lot of the planning and prep work that I used to do. I love stories so I am not going to let those go, but I do want to make the students the curriculum more. So I will focus on finding ways to use the HFWs to ask stories with my classes and sprinkle in any of the necessary vocab as I need to throughout each semester. My goal is to teach my students to be good humans and speak Spanish. So I will expose them to a ton of CI and we will use the language as a tool to talk about stuff, instead of talking about the language.

    3. I want to try that as well (SSR with same novel). I think it would be a nice thing to do instead of letting the novel monopolize instruction and would be more for enrichment. What novels were you thinking of doing that with?

      I'm glad you like stories and find talking about kids to be so important! Sounds like our ideal classes look somewhat similar! ;-)

  3. I've just found your blog and I love it. Thank you for sharing your ideas so freely. And I love how you say what you would do differently. Michelle
