
Saturday, June 10, 2017

All my Spanish 2016-17 resources

Ok, so I like to be transparent with my teaching.

I am not perfect and don't claim to be. For me it's about the journey and wonder of learning the language in pieces with my students.

This year went well considering the following challenges:

  • Spanish 2 students were all over the place in ability when they got to my class
  • Spanish 1 students were those who
    • transferred into school system
    • didn't get good enough grades to take Spanish 1 in middle school
    • students who had previously failed Spanish 1
  • my going back to 50 minute periods after 3 years of 90 minute every other day block
  • being at a new school (zero street cred)
  • new district mandated curriculum ("cough textbook chapters cough")
Don't get me wrong, there were also SO many positives.
  • supportive school department (TPRS lovers)
  • lots of collaboration
  • administrative support and faith in my abilities
  • students slowly being won over
  • trying a lot of new things
  • not HAVING to teach curriculum based on a weekly map
    • teach towards final

Sufficed to say, I think I got my students to buy into the method and to learn about one another and Spanish at the same time. There were ups and downs (like every year). But in general I thought my students rose to the occasion and many of them couldn't believe how much they were speaking in Spanish by the end of the year in both levels! 

Feel free to look, copy things into your own google drive to use,  let me know if you have further questions. My finals were district mandated so I have not included those.


  1. Thank you very much for your generosity in sharing your wonderful teaching. You have no idea how much you inspire me! I use your videos and go through your material all the time. I could be your mom, but I feel you are my mentor! Have a fantastic summer and keep up the good work. Lost of love from Norway!

    1. Aw thanks! Glad the videos have been helpful and let me know if you're able to use something from my Spanish 1 stuff. ;-)

  2. Thank you for all the great ideas and resources!

    1. Thanks for checking them out Allison! Let me know if you end up using anything and how it goes. :-)

  3. This is great! Thank you for sharing! It will be so helpful as I prepare for next school year.

    1. Con gusto. Great! Let me know what you use if anything and how it goes. :-)

  4. Jeremy, thanks so much for sharing your journey and all of these resources!

    1. Glad to share!

      Hope people don't just focus on what my kids "couldn't do" yet in the different levels. ;-)

  5. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful materials!! I use your videos in my for my Spanish 1 classes, and in my Spanish 3 online class as well. My students loves them!! You are so kind to share so much!!

    1. Thanks so much Lucelandia! Glad the vids are helpful. I hope you might find something here that you could use in your classes as well!

  6. Muchisimas gracias Señor Jordan!!:)We really enjoy your videos on youtube:)

  7. Muchas gracias Senor Jordan! So generous to share your ideas. You are doing great stuff!!

  8. Muchisimas gracias, este es un gran trabajo. Gracias por que se que toma mucho tiempo hacerlo y aun asi lo comparte. Usted vale oro.
