Sunday, September 22, 2013

TPRS year 4 - Commercial ("Leche fresca")

I was thinking I could use this in Spanish 1 or Spanish 2.

Spanish 2 would go nicely with the next unit we are doing where I will need to "cover" indirect object pronouns.  This might even work as a story script if I could isolate some of the structures that we could recycle all year.  Then my students could watch the video and be amazed at their understanding!

While there aren't many indirect objects used in the language in the video, if we had an embedded reading about the video or a similar storyline using, "le pide", "le da" &/or "le dice", we can get further repetitions of them.

“Leche Fresca”


Chico: Lisa, ¿estás tomando leche?
Chica: Sí. ¿Por qué?
Chico: A mí se me olvidó cómo sabe.
Chica: Bueno. Si quieres probar un poquito de la mía.
Chico: Gracias.
Está buena. Gracias.
Voz: No hay nada como la leche fresca.
Chico: Carlos, ¿cómo estás?
Otro chico: Bien, ¿y tú?
Chico: ¿Tomando leche?
Voz: La sana tentación

structures to pre-teach:
  • cultural component: accent in Puerto Rico, loss of pre-consonant ‘s’ and at word end
  • se me olvidó - I forgot
  • quieres probar de la mía - you want to try some of mine
  • la leche - the milk
  • estás tomando - you are drinking
  • sabe - tastes
  • está buena - it’s good (tasting) / delicious

  • basic conversation
  • quieres
  • hay
  • -ing form

possible extensions:

  • start by describing and pausing, asking questions
  • then do cloze activity (if you want students to see the script)
  • maybe talk about what you would do if someone took your milk like that
  • what would you take from someone else like that? (coke; monster, etc)
  • cultural component: Puerto Rico
    • product: Leche Fresca

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