Sunday, September 22, 2013

TPRS year 4 - song - El Pollo

Many years ago, I learned this song from an Argentinian gentleman in Guadalajara, Mexico on a missions trip.  He was in charge of the activities of this sports camp at a park.

One of the favorite things of everyone was this song where he said the following:

El pollo   (Hold hand up on eeeeeeeeeeel  and stomp when you say pollo)
El pollo con una pata. (step with one foot)
El pollo con otra pata.  (step with both feet)
El pollo con una alita. (step with both feet and move an arm like a wing)
El pollo con otra alita. (step with both feet and move both arms like wings)
El pollo con la cabeza. (step with both feet, move both arms, and move head)
El pollo con la colita. (turn around and shake your caboose)

Even with high school students, this is one that was a crowd favorite at my first school.  I kind of forgot about it at my previous school.  But some of my students asked about a poster I made of it that was hanging up and so we went over it and they seemed to enjoy the simplicity and silliness of it.

So If you would like to try it out in your class, I'll upload an audio file later of me saying it or maybe even a short video clip of me doing it.

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