Thursday, August 4, 2016

NTPRS - Day 0 - The arrival

Blogpost - NTPRS day 0

*this is my attempt to keep track of what happened while I was at my very first NTPRS in Reno, Nevada 

So I finally get to the Atlantis hotel in Reno. It's 8:30 or so at night. I've taken a ride to the airport in KC, two planes, and a hotel shuttle.  I look around and immediately think that I am in the wrong place. 

I get my keycard for my room and message Mike Coxon. 

As I go up to floor nine, I text my roommate for the conference, Mike Coxon to let him know I have arrived.

A few moments later Mike comes in with someone else that I find out to be Von Ray! We talk for awhile and I shared a little bit of my story as a Youtube grammar teacher and a TPRS teacher in the classroom.  Von seems like an incredibly nice guy. We talk about how excited they are that I am there because maybe we can work together in the future. Of course this is incredibly exciting because I have looked up to these people for a long time!

Then Mike and I went down to where other teachers were because he really wanted me to meet teachers and see the reaction of my celebrity.  So I went with him and there wasn’t much reaction (either because we introduced me as “Jeremy” instead of “Señor Jordan”) or because TPRS teachers might not think as highly of me due to my grammar vids! But regardless, finally we found someone who got incredibly excited and told me how much she appreciated my video lessons and it was nice to hear that even in the context of a TPRS class, some teachers who have to teach a mixture can find a use for my vids to help their kids be successful!

And then shortly thereafter Mike and I went back to the hotel room, talked a bit, laughed a lot and went to bed to prepare for day 1 of NTPRS!

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