Friday, November 25, 2016

Simple story - Black Friday

I was thinking a lot of a Tripp Script that I saw recently on his blog. It is basically for telling after Thanksgiving.

Here are the structures:
  • pounds (lbs)
  • after eating
  • takes a nap
And it lends itself to talking about overeating.  I thought it was nice and clever.  And it lends itself to Spanish 1 and also just a rainy day story to talk about things on these sometimes monotonous days.

But then I had an epiphany for my own storyline.

I thought about Black Friday and how much people tend to spend on that day. Since we're working on compra and some different clothing items (in stores) for vocab, this lends itself to that very easily.
  • arrived / got there
  • saw the perfect __.*
  • bought it for only __.
  • it was a bargain!
*this wouldn't be a goal for me, but might work better in your story or replace "found" for "saw"

Super simple version:
John arrived at Target Friday morning. He saw the perfect shirt. He bought it for only two pennies.
It was a bargain!

Simple version:
John went to Target for Black Friday.  John arrived at Target Friday morning at three in the morning. He saw the perfect brown shirtHe bought it for only two pennies.
It was a bargain!

Somewhat simple version:
John went to Target for Black Friday. John was at Target Friday morning at . He saw the perfect brown shirt for his little dog named FluffinatorHe bought it for only two pennies and a kiss.
It was a bargain!

Etc, etc, etc.

*Then you could do a similar reading (but with culture) involving el regateo (bargaining).  And throw that into the mix. Since it's a vocab/cultural idea I am supposed to hit this "unit".

  • arrived / got there
  • saw the perfect __.*
  • bought it for only __.
  • it was a bargain!
  • it normally costs
  • he haggled with the store clerk

Slightly simple version:
John went to Target for Black Friday. John was at Target Friday morning at . He saw the perfect brown shirt for his little dog named Fluffinator. It normally costs 100 dollars.  He haggled with the store clerk for one hourHe bought it for only two pennies, a kiss and his jeep.
It was a bargain!

And of course, if you're a Spanish teacher and have a Señor Wooly account, you could do a Movietalk and show the "es una ganga" music video as an extension activity in the week!


  1. I like this a lot Jeremy. There are so many options around this time of year for high-energy personalized stories that dip into the factual then (maybe) cannonball into the ridiculous. This one is a great example. Thank you for sharing it with us!

    1. Thanks, Jim! That means a lot. For my kids it was relatively simple, but still compelling since it was about them! My Spanish 2 students are having a hard time playing in the "realm" as Ben Slavic used to call it! :-)
